If you are walking down the street
and someone begins to follow you, go into a shop
or a place where there are lots of people and ask
for help.
It is
best to go to the counter of the shop and talk to
a shop-keeper.
If someone you do not know very well or not at all,
offers you a ride in their car, stay away from the
car. Do not get in the car.
Say ‘NO!’
Run away
and tell an adult about the incident.
someone tries to grab you, scream loudly something
like this, “This is not my parent.” You
should and kick and make a heap of noise.
Even if they say your parents want you to go with
them, never get into the car of a stranger.
Your parents would never ask a stranger to pick
you up.
Talk to your parents about a code word they can
use if they even ask a friend to pick you up. If
they do not use that code word, then do not get into
the car.